Ninja Editing
For translations

Content translated from Portuguese to English.
Content translated from English to Portuguese.
Thorough text editing that covers all sorts of stuff.
For example…
Grammar and spelling
Grammar and spelling accuracy matter (a lot)
in any language.
Cross borders smoothly, with no mess-ups.
Stylistic approach
Sometimes, there’s a word that just fits better for what you’re going for or how formal your writing should sound.
How about a new approach?
Comparative analysis
“In nature nothing is created,
nothing is lost, everything is transformed.”
No telephone game here:
If the original message
got lost along the way,
let’s recover it.
Coherence in terminology
Especially in technical and academic writing, using specific terms correctly is super important. Messing this up can cause confusion, and it might even make things look sloppy.
Style consistency
Maintaining a consistent style is a big win in any language! This includes sticking to patterns in verb tenses, level of formality, and even capital letters, among many other things.
Books, ebooks, and online content
Abstract in academic papers
Product and service descriptions
Scientific journal articles
How much do translation proofreading and editing services cost?
For transparency’s sake, here is my baseline for
proofreading and editing quotes applied to translated content
(in Brazilian Reals).
But you don't have to do the math, okay?
Just send the file, and I’ll let you know the price!
Word count and baseline: